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We Remember

Dateline: Drill Ship Discoverer Spirit, April 5, 2004  200 mi. south of Galveston, Gulf of Mexico.

I write this article from the bridge deck of the Spirit.  I am here at the request of Unocal and Transocean Drilling to provide CISM services to the crew of over 150 men and women on board. This is in response to the 3/27/04 crash of a helicopter in the Gulf of Mexico and the 10 people who died in that crash.  They were on their way to work on this ship, but never made it.  The impact of the crash and associated grief of those who loss friends, family and co-workers is of such magnitude that I thought it fitting to remember the ones who died on this site. 

Unocal:  David Kamolsiri, 24

Offshore Energy Services:  Jason Pettijean, 34; Trampas Terwillegar, 27

Halliburton:  Tyler Beaux, 23; Jeff Langley, Thomas Jackson, Andre Lake, ages unknown.

Dril-Quip:  Craig Bailey, 32.

ERA Aviation:  Pilot Tim O'Neal, 50; co-pilot Donald Janning, 46.

My heartfelt condolences to the families, co-workers and companies of these men.  My utmost respect and gratitude to Unocal and Transocean for the genuine compassion and caring they have displayed in providing CISM services to their employees during this time.

Over the course of 9 days and nights, including several crew changes for various departments on the ship, my team member, Skip Straus and myself provided 14 debriefings, 4 crisis management briefings and 47 individual crisis intervention sessions.

 The drill ship Discoverer Spirit

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CISM International

Supportive Online Solutions

SherryCardinal, LCSW, DAAETS
Phone: 713-594-0859